Key gender data disclosures
Data is a powerful tool to drive impact in our diversity and inclusion work. Being a data-driven company, transparency around data is an important part of our culture. By collecting key gender data we are better equipped to know where we need to focus our efforts and improve. At Oda many of our employees are requesting more data around diversity demographics, something that is pushing us to both disclose and continuously improve in this area. Added to an increased requirement to share data with other stakeholders like investors, suppliers and government, we have gone to great lengths to improve the data systems and processes internally. In the future we hope to collect more data on additional diversity dimensions to better understand our blind spots and where improvements can be made. When pursuing this type of data we also need to ensure that privacy laws and concerns are considered.
Gender parity disclosure
Gender parity disclosure for Oda Norway 2023:
For 2023, the share of women in Oda Norway was 26% which is negative development from 2023 with 39%. Oda is working on implementing several initiatives within the company to promote the attraction, retention and progression of women in the company. The company specifically has an ambition to achieve greater gender parity in the management team.
When looking at parental leave for the calendar year 2023, we see that women took an average 20,1 weeks and men 9,6 weeks. Last year the average for women was 20,4 weeks and 13,8 weeks for men.
In the start of 2024 we conducted an internal survey among the part-time employees to get a better overview of the share of involuntary part-time. 12% of the respondents stated that they prefer a full-time position, and of those 18% are women.
Gender pay parity disclosures
In 2021, we conducted our first review of gender pay parity in Oda Norway. The gender pay parity data has also been published in our annual report for Oda Norway AS.
Here are our high-level findings in 2023 for Oda Norway:
In total women in Oda make 104% of what the average man earns. The current national average gender pay gap in Norway is 88%, meaning that we are above average.
Data assumptions and comments:
All salaries are combined into levels where titles and roles are comparable.
The percentage under each category represents the average female salary compared to average male salary.
The numbers are based on actual paid salary, including overtime, bonuses, etc.
Numbers relate to direct employees only and do not include employees hired via 3rd parties, contractors or consultants
In 2023 we had 0 registered cases of discrimination. Our new tool SpeakUp, a reporting system compatible with the recommendations for the EU Whistleblowing Act, was implemented in May 2022. This system will enable us to better detect cases of discrimination.